Monday, August 8, 2011


Lots and lots of changes coming up in our lives.  Mac turned 3 yesterday.  We had an awesome birthday party for her at a petting zoo where she got to pet and feed lots of different animals and ride ponies.  A few of her friends from school and some other people came and she had a blast. 

There is something a little bit sad about your baby turning 3.  I realize she is not my baby anymore and she is really growing up into a kid.  She definately has a mind of her own and a personality of her own, for good or for worse.  But she really is the most amazing little person in the world and I would change nothing about her.

In one month, I will be 30 years old.  I don't feel like I'm that old but thats what the calendar says so I guess its true.  I guess that means my twenties are over and I really am an adult now, but I have no clue what that means.  I don't think of myself as a grown up yet.  I still feel like a teenager most days.

A few weeks after my birthday, we will finally be moving out of my parents house, back into our own apartment.  It can't come too soon, thats for sure.  Anybody who says they enjoy living with their parents is a lying liar who lies.  It has been 2 years of constant arguing, bickering, degrading hell for me.  And I am glad to be getting out.  And I am glad to get Mac out  of this environment.  I do appareciate all the help they have given me but it has really come at a personal price.  I did it because I thought thats what was best for Mac at the time, but now it is beyond time to go.  And I can't wait.

Monday, June 6, 2011

This Is Why I Should Never Get Married

I hate to share.  Anything.  Ever.

Roommates are just annoying.  I think most people would agree with that.  I lived with my sister in a townhouse that was way too small for siblings to live in and that was hell.  I have lived with two of my exes in the past.  Hate. 

I wonder if I was just meant to roam the world as a single spinster.  Granted, I do have Mac and that's awesome.  I don't hate sharing things with her.  Well, except closet space.  That little girl has too many clothes.  I just doubt I will ever look kindly on another adult invading my personal bubble and taking over my living space.   A few days ago, my sister was using my laundry detergent and I nearly had a heart attack.  I didn't really know I had such a bond with particular bottle of said detergent.  I don't know why I felt the need to protect it.  But, I had to go all Matrix on her and make her use the community detergent  because I.don't.wanna.share. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Present History

I constantly complain about the negativity of our culture and our newcasts.  I think they report negative news only for shock value and ratings while ignoring anything positive that happens... This is a good news Monday.

The last few days have been rife with historic events.  Friday morning, the crown prince of England was married.  Historic.  And she is a college educated commoner.  Historic, and a first.  Friday also marked the beatification of the late Pope John Paul II.  Historic as he gets closer to becoming a saint, which usually does not happen until 50 years after a person's death.  And even more historic because there is normally a 5 year waiting period between death and when a person can even be beatified. And then last night, President Obama broke into regularly scheduled programming to announce that Osama Bin Laden had been killed and thrown out to sea. 

It is crazy to think that all of these events will one day be in history books and my own kid will be taught about the things that I was alive for and cared about.  I have always thought that nothing good of not really happened in my life.  Now, I know that is not true.  I was able to watch the marriage of a future king and queen (currently the Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge) live as it happened on TV.  Even though I am not a wedding person, the significance of this day is what drew me in.  I watched the towers fall in 2001 from my apartment not all that far removed from the Pentagon and now I also got experience the joy and jubilation over the execution of the person responsible for those attacks.   It makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside that even if they are small steps, there are positive things happening in the world.

Monday, April 18, 2011

so fresh, so clean, and so brand spankin' new

Well, I am starting this new blog to chronicle the journey of my life as a single mom to the most beautiful and wonderful little girl, Mac.  In all her two and a half year old glory, she really is the most spectacular specimin I have ever seen.

We have been on our own for about two years now.  Well, not on our own, per se.  We have family that love us and help us in any way they can and really have been our saving grace.  I guess it would be more accurate to say her father has now been out of the picture for about two years.  As sad as it makes me that he has no interest in her and that she will grow up with the knowledge that she was abandoned as a baby by her own father, I am comfortable with my decision to get out and cut ties while she was still too young to remember what life was like with him.  It was not happy times and it has taken me a long time to deal and get past it.  I am 100% certain that the right choice was made and that her life will be happier, healthier and just better in general without his dark cloud hanging over us. 

I guess I will just use this forum as a way to keep tabs on her growing up as it happens, so I can go back and relive the times, whether they be good or bad,  happy or sad.  Nothing in my 30 years has fulfilled me more than being a mom and I feel like we have an extra special relationship because it is just the two of us against the world.  I have very high hopes, and sweeping dreams of what this little girl can do as she gets older.  Signing off for now,

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